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[manual] contributions via Robert Becht

Rushabh Mehta 9 years ago
  1. 32
  2. 4
  3. 14
  4. 5


@ -1,7 +1,21 @@
# Contact and Address
Contacts are not necessarily linked to another document. They can be stand alone, just a Contact with a First Name not linked to any other document or
Contacts can be linked to a Party, that is either a Customer or a Supplier.
The Contact_ID is automatically created:
1. If only a First Name is entered that First Name defines the ID , thus First name (only)
2. If a First Name and a Party is linked the ID becomes “FirstName-Party”
Contacts can, but do not have to be linked, to: User, Customer, Supplier, and Sales Partner. Since Customers and Addresses are not directly linked to a User, all links go via Contacts.
A Contact can be linked to the (web) user. If that user is also a Customer, it is linked to the Customer by the Customer ID
Contacts and Addresses in ERPNext are stored separately so that you can
attach multiple Contacts or Addresses to Customers and Suppliers.
To create a new Contact go to ,
To create a new Contact go to,
> CRM > Contact > New
@ -16,4 +30,18 @@ Contact” or “New Address”.
gets pre-selected. This is the “Default Contact or Address”.
To Import multiple Contacts and Addresses from a spreadsheet, use the Data
Import Tool.
Import Tool.
### Address Titles
The Address Title (Name of person or organization that this address belongs to) is a free format unlinked field. The ID is automatically created from the Address Title upper score Address Type. (AdressTitle-AddressType).
### Address Linking
Addresses can be entered individually (unlinked) or linked to customers, leads, suppliers or Sales Partners.
Linking is done in the reference section where the links can be established.
(Contributed by Robert Becht)


@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ who receives goods, services, products, or ideas, from a seller for a monetary
consideration. A customer can also receive goods or services from a vendor or
a supplier for other valuable considerations.
A customer is uniquely identified by the Customer ID. Normally this ID is identical to the customer Full Name, but in case of duplicate Full Name, a Name-1 is created as ID.
You can either directly create your Customers via
> Selling > Customer
@ -21,6 +23,8 @@ attach multiple Contacts or Addresses to Customers and Suppliers.
Read [Contact]({{url_prefix}}/user/guides/crm/contact.html) to know more.
Thus we may have identical Customer Names that are uniquely identified by the ID. Since the email address is not part of the customer information the linking of customer and User is through [Contacts]({{url_prefix}}/user/guides/crm/contact.html)
### Integration with Accounts
In ERPNext, there is a separate Account record for each Customer, for each


@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ this conversation to enable another person who may have to follow-up on that
contact. The new person is then able to know the history of that particular
Leads are the entities constituting a first contact. Leads can be created by a system users or by a web-user. When a lead is created minimal info (name,email) is entered and the lead is (default) linked to the active system user, the owner of the lead A user configurable drop list is used to classify Status of the lead (Open, Replied etc)
To create a Lead, go to:
> Selling > Lead > New Lead
@ -43,4 +47,14 @@ button. Once the Customer is created, the Lead becomes “Converted” and any
further Opportunities from the same source can be created against the
### Creation via Portal
If a someone creates an account through the website interface is Lead is automatically created, status is Open and the Owner is the webuser.
After registration the webform Addresses is called, where the web user can enter address information.The address is linked to the lead using the **Lead Name-Address Type** as ID.
If using the Cart functionality, items are ordered the Lead is Converted and a Customer is created using the Web-User Name. Because a Customer can only be linked to a webuser using the (foreign) ID in Contact, such contact has to be created as well.


@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
Users can be added by the System Manager. If you are a System Manager, you can add Users via
There are two main classes of users: Web Users and System Users. System Users are people using ERPNext in the company. Web users are customers or suppliers (or portal users).
Under User a lot of info can be entered. For the sake of usability the information entered for webs users is minimal: First Name and email.
Important is to realize that the email address is the unique key (ID) identifying the Users.
> Setup > User
### 1. List of Users
