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19 lines
658 B

import frappe
no_cache = 1
def get_context(context):
if frappe.session.user != 'Guest':
context.all_certifications = get_all_certifications_of_a_member()
context.show_sidebar = True
def get_all_certifications_of_a_member():
'''Returns all certifications'''
all_certifications = []
all_certifications = frappe.db.sql(""" select,cc.from_date,cc.to_date,ca.amount,ca.currency
from `tabCertified Consultant` cc
inner join `tabCertification Application` ca
on cc.certification_application =
where paid = 1 and email = %(user)s order by cc.to_date desc""" ,{'user': frappe.session.user},as_dict=True)
return all_certifications