Browse Source

Vehicle master- Publish type validation

venkata akhil 11 months ago
  1. 5
  2. 321


@ -76,12 +76,15 @@ def masters(args=None, LSD=None, iid=None):
myid as vechile_id,display_order,modified from tabVehicle
where modified > '{LSD}' and global_publish = 1;
''', as_dict=1)
elif publish_type == 'Internal':
api = frappe.db.sql(f'''
select name as vehicle,vehicle_segment,vehicle_segment_id,image,active_status,display_order,
myid as vechile_id,display_order,modified from tabVehicle
where modified > '{LSD}' and internal_publish = 1;
''', as_dict=1)
api = []
for i in api:
if i["active_status"] == "Active":
i["active_status"] = True


@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document
import json
import os
from frappe.utils import cstr
from smart_service.apis.app_user_login import input_validation
JSON_EXT = ".json"
JSON_INT_PATH = "/files/json_files/internal/"
JSON_FULL_INT_PATH = "/files/json_files/full_update/internal/"
JSON_GLOABL_PATH = "/files/json_files/global/"
JSON_FULL_GLOBAL_PATH = "/files/json_files/full_update/"
STATUS = "status"
ERROR = "error"
UPDATE_AVAILABLE = 'IsUpdateAvailable'
UPDATE_FAILED = "Update checking Failed"
PARAM_MISSING = "Parameter missing :"
VERSION = 'version'
CUR_VERSION = 'CurrentVersion'
DIS = 'Discription'
FILE_ERROR = 'File failed to load'
LANGUAGE = 'language'
FILE_SIZE = 'FileSize'
REMARKS = 'remarks'
site_name = cstr(
base_url = os.path.expanduser(
"~") + "/frappe-bench/sites/" + site_name + "/public"
def custom_rate_limit(limit, seconds):
ip_based = True
ip = frappe.local.request_ip if ip_based is True else None
identity = None
identity = ip
cache_key = f"rl:{frappe.form_dict.cmd}:{identity}"
value = frappe.cache().get(cache_key) or 0
if not value:
frappe.cache().setex(cache_key, seconds, 0)
value = frappe.cache().incrby(cache_key, 1)
if value > limit:
frappe.local.response["http_status_code"] = 429
return "You hit the rate limit because of too many requests. Please try after sometime."
return 1
def check_all_vehicle_updates(vehicle_list=None):
""" Validate Input's """
val = input_validation(vehicle_list=vehicle_list)
""" Error response based on missing Input arguements """
if val != '':
return {"LanguageID": None,
"VehicleReqList": [], STATUS: 0, ERROR: PARAM_MISSING+val}
if vehicle_list:
""" Validate Input keys """
vehicle_req_list = []
v_list = json.loads(vehicle_list)
language = v_list['LanguageID']
iid = v_list['InstallationId']
vehicle_data = v_list['VehicleReqList']
publish_type = frappe.db.sql(
'''SELECT publish_type FROM `tabApp Device` where name='{}';'''.format(iid), as_list=1)
if not publish_type:
""" Error Response for Invalid Publish Type """
return {"LanguageID": None,
"VehicleReqList": [], STATUS: 0, ERROR: "Publish Type not set "}
for v in vehicle_data:
vehicle_id = get_vehicle_id(v['Vehicle'])
publish_response = get_all_vehicle_publish_data(
v['Vehicle'], language, float(v['CurrentVersion']), publish_type[0][0], vehicle_id)
""" Vehicle List Response """
return {"LanguageID": language,
"VehicleReqList": vehicle_req_list, STATUS: 1, ERROR: 'No Error'}
except Exception as e:
""" Error Response for Input key's validation """
return {"LanguageID": None,
"VehicleReqList": [], STATUS: 0, ERROR: str(e)}
""" Error Response for Empty Vehicle List """
return {"LanguageID": None,
"VehicleReqList": [], STATUS: 0, ERROR: "Check Arugument: vehicle list"}
def get_vehicle_id(vehicle):
vehicle_id = frappe.db.sql(
'''select myid as vehicle_id from `tabVehicle` where vehicle ='{0}'; '''.format(vehicle), as_dict=1)
if vehicle_id:
return vehicle_id[0]['vehicle_id']
def get_all_vehicle_publish_data(vehicle, l_id, current_version, publish_type, vehicle_id):
""" Response Structure """
vehicle_response_data = {
"name": None,
"version": 0,
"vehicle_id": vehicle_id,
"language": l_id,
"description": None,
ERROR: None,
"CurrentVersion": current_version
latest_global_version = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name,format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id,language,release_description as description
FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active'
and publish_module='Automotive System' and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System' and vehicle='{0}' and publish_type='Global' and language='{1}');
'''.format(vehicle, l_id), as_dict=1)
latest_publish_version = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name,format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id,language,release_description as description
FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active'
and publish_module='Automotive System' and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System' and vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and version > {2});
'''.format(vehicle, l_id, current_version), as_dict=1)
if not latest_publish_version:
""" Latest File already downloaded Global/Internal """
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Latest Version"
if not latest_global_version or (current_version >= float(latest_global_version[0]['version'])):
""" Only Internal available """
if publish_type == 'Internal':
value = round(
float(latest_publish_version[0]['version']) - current_version, 2)
if value == 0.01:
""" 1 Internal File """
data = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name, format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id, language,
release_description as description FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and
publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active' and publish_module='Automotive System'
and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System' and publish_type='Internal'
and vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}');
'''.format(vehicle, l_id), as_dict=1)
if data:
file_name = JSON_INT_PATH+vehicle+"/"+vehicle + \
"-" + l_id + "_v" + \
str(data[0][VERSION]) + JSON_EXT
if os.path.exists(base_url + file_name):
vehicle_response_data['name'] = data[0]['name']
vehicle_response_data['version'] = data[0]['version']
# vehicle_response_data['vehicle_id'] = data[0]['vehicle_id']
vehicle_response_data['language'] = data[0]['language']
vehicle_response_data['description'] = data[0]['description']
# vehicle_response_data['FileSize'] = get_file_size(
# file_name)
# vehicle_response_data['JsonURL'] = file_name
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal available"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to read file"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to get Publish version"
""" Full Internal File """
data = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name, format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id, language,
release_description as description FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and
publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active' and publish_module='Automotive System'
and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System' and publish_type='Internal'
and vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' );
'''.format(vehicle, l_id), as_dict=1)
if data:
file_name = JSON_FULL_INT_PATH+vehicle+"/"+vehicle + \
"-" + l_id + "-"+"full_v" + \
if os.path.exists(base_url + file_name):
vehicle_response_data['name'] = data[0]['name']
vehicle_response_data['version'] = data[0]['version']
# vehicle_response_data['vehicle_id'] = data[0]['vehicle_id']
vehicle_response_data['language'] = data[0]['language']
vehicle_response_data['description'] = data[0]['description']
# vehicle_response_data['FileSize'] = get_file_size(
# file_name)
# vehicle_response_data['JsonURL'] = file_name
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to read file"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Internal Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to get Publish version"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "No Update available"
elif current_version < float(latest_global_version[0]['version']):
""" Only Global available """
if (float(latest_global_version[0]['version']) - int(current_version)) > 1:
""" Full Global File """
data = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name,format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id, language,
release_description as description FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and
publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active' and publish_module='Automotive System'
and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System'
and vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and publish_type ='Global');
'''.format(vehicle, l_id), as_dict=1)
if data:
file_name = JSON_FULL_GLOBAL_PATH + vehicle + "/" + vehicle + \
"-" + l_id + "-"+"full_v" + \
if os.path.exists(base_url + file_name):
vehicle_response_data['name'] = data[0]['name']
vehicle_response_data['version'] = data[0]['version']
# vehicle_response_data['vehicle_id'] = data[0]['vehicle_id']
vehicle_response_data['language'] = data[0]['language']
vehicle_response_data['description'] = data[0]['description']
# vehicle_response_data['FileSize'] = get_file_size(
# file_name)
# vehicle_response_data['JsonURL'] = file_name
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to read file"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global Full Update available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to get Publish version"
# vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
# vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Full Update Global available"
""" Single Global File """
# vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
# vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global available"
data = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT name,format(version,2) as version,vehicle_id, language,
release_description as description FROM `tabPublish` where vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and
publish_status='Published' and vehicle_status='Active' and publish_module='Automotive System'
and version = (select max(version) as version from `tabPublish`
where publish_module='Automotive System'
and vehicle='{0}' and language='{1}' and publish_type ='Global');
'''.format(vehicle, l_id), as_dict=1)
if data:
file_name = JSON_GLOABL_PATH+vehicle+"/"+vehicle + \
"-" + l_id + "_v" + \
str(data[0][VERSION]) + JSON_EXT
if os.path.exists(base_url + file_name):
vehicle_response_data['name'] = data[0]['name']
vehicle_response_data['version'] = data[0]['version']
# vehicle_response_data['vehicle_id'] = data[0]['vehicle_id']
vehicle_response_data['language'] = data[0]['language']
vehicle_response_data['description'] = data[0]['description']
# vehicle_response_data['FileSize'] = get_file_size(
# file_name)
# vehicle_response_data['JsonURL'] = file_name
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global available"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to read file"
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = False
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "Global available"
vehicle_response_data[ERROR] = "Failed to get Publish version"
""" Unknow condition Dont Know Yet """
value = {'latest_publish_version': latest_publish_version[0]['version'],
" latest_global_version": latest_global_version[0]['version']}
frappe.log_error('New check Update', str(
f'Unknow Condition{value}'))
vehicle_response_data[UPDATE_AVAILABLE] = True
vehicle_response_data[REMARKS] = "New Condition"
return vehicle_response_data