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link field content update

Ubuntu 2 years ago
  1. 45


@ -97,10 +97,13 @@ def check_vehicle_update(vehicle_list):
l_id = v['LanguageID']
current_version = v['CurrentVersion']
if publish_type == 'Internal':
publish_data = frappe.db.sql('''select name,CAST(version AS DECIMAL(10,2)) as version from {}.tabPublish where vehicle= '{}' and language='{}' and publish_type = '{}' and version > {} and vehicle_status = 'Active';
publish_data = frappe.db.sql('''select name,CAST(version AS DECIMAL(10,2)) as version from {}.tabPublish where vehicle= '{}'
and language='{}' and publish_type = '{}' and version > {} and vehicle_status = 'Active';
'''.format(current_db_name, vehicle, l_id, publish_type, current_version), as_dict=True)
publish_data = frappe.db.sql('''select name,version,release_description as description from {}.tabPublish where vehicle= '{}' and language='{}' and publish_type= '{}' and version > {} and vehicle_status = 'Active'; '''.format(current_db_name, vehicle, l_id, publish_type, current_version), as_dict=True)
publish_data = frappe.db.sql('''select name,version,release_description as description from {}.tabPublish where vehicle= '{}'
and language='{}' and publish_type= '{}' and version > {} and vehicle_status = 'Active'; '''.format(current_db_name, vehicle, l_id, publish_type,
if len(publish_data) > 0:
update_version = publish_data[-1]['version']
@ -165,8 +168,8 @@ def check_vehicle_update(vehicle_list):
current_db_name, d), as_dict=True)
var_asset = frappe.db.sql(
'''SELECT category, attach_file as file, %s,idx as variant_asset_idx FROM %s.`tabVariant Mapping_Assets` where category<>'Technical Manual' and parent='%s' and language='%s';''' % (
active_status_case, current_db_name, d, l_id), as_dict=True)
'''SELECT category, attach_file as file, %s,idx as variant_asset_idx FROM %s.`tabVariant Mapping_Assets` where category<>'Technical Manual'
and parent='%s' and language='%s';''' % (active_status_case, current_db_name, d, l_id), as_dict=True)
vari = vari[0]
if vari['active_status'] == 'Active':
@ -179,9 +182,9 @@ def check_vehicle_update(vehicle_list):
# System data
system_out = []
for i in appendDict[d]:
sys = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT min(`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.idx) as systemdisplayorder,tabSystems.system_name,tabSystems.icon_file,tabSystems.myid,tabSystems.active_status
FROM {0}.tabSystems inner join {0}.`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System` on tabSystems.system_name = `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.systems where system_name = '{1}' group by system_name ;'''
.format(current_db_name, i), as_dict=True)
sys = frappe.db.sql('''SELECT min(`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.idx) as systemdisplayorder,tabSystems.system_name,tabSystems.icon_file,
tabSystems.myid,tabSystems.active_status FROM {0}.tabSystems inner join {0}.`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System` on
tabSystems.system_name = `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.systems where system_name = '{1}' group by system_name ;'''.format(current_db_name, i), as_dict=True)
if len(sys) > 0:
sys = sys[0]
@ -191,18 +194,18 @@ def check_vehicle_update(vehicle_list):
sys['active_status'] = False
# System Assets
sysassets = frappe.db.sql(
'''SELECT idx as systemdisplayorder, system_asset FROM {3}.`tabSystem Mapping_System Assets` where parent like '{0}%' and language='{1}' and systems='{2}';'''.format(
d, l_id, i, current_db_name), as_dict=True)
'''SELECT idx as systemdisplayorder, system_asset FROM {3}.`tabSystem Mapping_System Assets` where parent like '{0}%' and language='{1}'
and systems='{2}';'''.format(d, l_id, i, current_db_name), as_dict=True)
sys['Assets'] = sysassets
# Sub system
subsystem_out = []
for j in appendDict[d][i]:
subsys = frappe.db.sql('''select `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.idx as subSystemdisplayorder, systems,sub_systems, symptom, component, estimated_time, rts, mat, cover_image, `tabSub Systems`.myid,
`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.active_status,`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.cover_image
from {4}.`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System` inner join {4}.`tabSub Systems` on `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.sub_systems = `tabSub Systems`.name
where `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.parent like '{0}-{3}%' and systems='{1}' and sub_systems='{2}' and `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.active_status = 'Active';'''.format(
d, i, j, l_id, current_db_name), as_dict=True)
subsys = frappe.db.sql('''select `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.idx as subSystemdisplayorder, systems,sub_systems, symptom,
component, estimated_time, rts, mat, cover_image, `tabSub Systems`.myid,`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.active_status,
`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.cover_image from {4}.`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System` inner join {4}.`tabSub Systems` on
`tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.sub_systems = `tabSub Systems`.name where `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.parent like '{0}-{3}%' and
systems='{1}' and sub_systems='{2}' and `tabSystem Mapping_Sub System`.active_status = 'Active';'''.format(d, i, j, l_id, current_db_name), as_dict=True)
if len(subsys) > 0:
subsys = subsys[0]
@ -212,15 +215,19 @@ def check_vehicle_update(vehicle_list):
subsys['active_status'] = False
kms = frappe.db.sql(
'''SELECT kilometer as kilometer_name, idx as kilometer_IDX, applicable as kilometers_applicable FROM {}.`tabKilometer Mapping_Items` where sub_systems='{}'
and parent Like '{}' and substring(parent,-5,2) = '{}' order by kilometer_IDX;'''.format(current_db_name, j, d+"%",l_id), as_dict=True)
'''SELECT kilometer as kilometer_name, idx as kilometer_IDX, applicable as kilometers_applicable FROM {}.`tabKilometer Mapping_Items`
where sub_systems='{}' and parent Like '{}' and substring(parent,-5,2) = '{}' order by kilometer_IDX;'''.format(current_db_name, j, d+"%",l_id), as_dict=True)
subsys['Config Kilometer'] = kms
for k in appendDict[d][i][j]:
proc_details = frappe.db.sql('''select procedure_name, step_name, content_type, GROUP_CONCAT(content) as content, GROUP_CONCAT(file) as file,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT idx order by idx) as display_order, idx from {}.tabProcedure_Details
where parent ='{}' group by procedure_name,step_name,content_type,content order by idx asc; '''.format(
current_db_name, k), as_dict=True)
proc_details = frappe.db.sql('''select procedure_name, step_name, content_type,
GROUP_CONCAT(case when content_type='Link' Then system_id else content end) as content,
GROUP_CONCAT(file) as file,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT idx order by idx) as display_order, idx from {}.tabProcedure_Details
where parent ='{}' group by procedure_name,step_name,content_type,content order by idx asc; '''.format(current_db_name, k),
temp_data = get_parent_map(proc_details, 'procedure_name')
procedure_status = frappe.db.sql(
'''SELECT workflow_state FROM {1}.tabProcedure where name='{0}';'''.format(
k, current_db_name))
