You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

187 lines
4.4 KiB

from . import __version__ as app_version
app_name = "smart_service"
app_title = "Mahindra Smart Service"
app_publisher = "Hard n Soft Technologies Pvt Ltd"
app_description = "Mahindra Smart Service (Formarly: Guided Repair Manual)"
app_icon = ""
app_color = "#E31A37"
app_email = ""
app_license = "MIT"
app_logo_url = "/assets/smart_service/images/Mahindra_Newlogo.png"
# for desk css
app_include_css = ["/assets/css/smart_service.min.css"]
# for web css
web_include_css = ["/assets/css/smart_service.min.css"]
# Icons
website_context = {
"favicon": "/assets/smart_service/images/Mahindra_title.png",
"splash_image": "/assets/smart_service/images/Mahindra_Newlogo.png",
"app_name" : "smart service"
# Includes in <head>
# ------------------
# include js, css files in header of desk.html
# app_include_css = "/assets/smart_service/css/smart_service.css"
# app_include_js = "/assets/smart_service/js/smart_service.js"
# include js, css files in header of web template
# web_include_css = "/assets/smart_service/css/smart_service.css"
# web_include_js = "/assets/smart_service/js/smart_service.js"
# include custom scss in every website theme (without file extension ".scss")
# website_theme_scss = "smart_service/public/scss/website"
# include js, css files in header of web form
# webform_include_js = {"doctype": "public/js/doctype.js"}
# webform_include_css = {"doctype": "public/css/doctype.css"}
# include js in page
# page_js = {"page" : "public/js/file.js"}
# include js in doctype views
# doctype_js = {"doctype" : "public/js/doctype.js"}
# doctype_list_js = {"doctype" : "public/js/doctype_list.js"}
# doctype_tree_js = {"doctype" : "public/js/doctype_tree.js"}
# doctype_calendar_js = {"doctype" : "public/js/doctype_calendar.js"}
# Home Pages
# ----------
# application home page (will override Website Settings)
# home_page = "login"
# website user home page (by Role)
# role_home_page = {
# "Role": "home_page"
# }
# Generators
# ----------
# automatically create page for each record of this doctype
# website_generators = ["Web Page"]
# Installation
# ------------
# before_install = "smart_service.install.before_install"
# after_install = "smart_service.install.after_install"
# Desk Notifications
# ------------------
# See frappe.core.notifications.get_notification_config
# notification_config = "smart_service.notifications.get_notification_config"
# Permissions
# -----------
# Permissions evaluated in scripted ways
# permission_query_conditions = {
# "Event": "frappe.desk.doctype.event.event.get_permission_query_conditions",
# }
# has_permission = {
# "Event": "frappe.desk.doctype.event.event.has_permission",
# }
# DocType Class
# ---------------
# Override standard doctype classes
# override_doctype_class = {
# "ToDo": "custom_app.overrides.CustomToDo"
# }
# Document Events
# ---------------
# Hook on document methods and events
# doc_events = {
# "*": {
# "on_update": "method",
# "on_cancel": "method",
# "on_trash": "method"
# }
# }
# Scheduled Tasks
# ---------------
# scheduler_events = {
# "all": [
# "smart_service.tasks.all"
# ],
# "daily": [
# "smart_service.tasks.daily"
# ],
# "hourly": [
# "smart_service.tasks.hourly"
# ],
# "weekly": [
# "smart_service.tasks.weekly"
# ]
# "monthly": [
# "smart_service.tasks.monthly"
# ]
# }
# Testing
# -------
# before_tests = "smart_service.install.before_tests"
# Overriding Methods
# ------------------------------
# override_whitelisted_methods = {
# "frappe.desk.doctype.event.event.get_events": "smart_service.event.get_events"
# }
# each overriding function accepts a `data` argument;
# generated from the base implementation of the doctype dashboard,
# along with any modifications made in other Frappe apps
# override_doctype_dashboards = {
# "Task": "smart_service.task.get_dashboard_data"
# }
# exempt linked doctypes from being automatically cancelled
# auto_cancel_exempted_doctypes = ["Auto Repeat"]
# User Data Protection
# --------------------
user_data_fields = [
"doctype": "{doctype_1}",
"filter_by": "{filter_by}",
"redact_fields": ["{field_1}", "{field_2}"],
"partial": 1,
"doctype": "{doctype_2}",
"filter_by": "{filter_by}",
"partial": 1,
"doctype": "{doctype_3}",
"strict": False,
"doctype": "{doctype_4}"
# Authentication and authorization
# --------------------------------
# auth_hooks = [
# "smart_service.auth.validate"
# ]